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Dental Aesthetics

  • Combination of "white" and "pink" aesthetics to achive the ideal smile...

  • The modern laser technology (non-bleeding and suture-free method) for "pink" aesthetics...

  • The cosmetic veneers comprised of materials such as composite or zirconium for "white" aesthetics...

  • Completely personalized treatment for each of our patients, according to their characteristics such as skin color, lip shape, and face shape...

  • Medicine and art getting united for a priceless beautiful smile...

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Overnight Stays in Istanbul:

depends on the content of the treatment

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Dental Clinic

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Hair Transplant Brochure_edited.png
Rhinoplasty Brochure_edited.png
Dental Aesthetics Brochure_edited.png

In modern society, patients seek treatment modalities such as smile design procedures to improve smile esthetics.

The objective of smile design is to enhance smile aesthetics by harmonizing the teeth, lips, and gums.

Although white aesthetics covering the shape, color and surface structure of the tooth comes to our patients minds when it comes to aesthetics, these elements will not be of any use without the pink aesthetics which includes the presence of pale pink colored, non-bleeding gums that firmly encircle the teeth.

Feasibility of the ideal aesthetic can only be achieved by using a combination of white and pink aesthetics.

Presently, pink aesthetics is attainable with a simple operation employed by modern laser technology which does not cause any bleeding and eliminates the need for sutures.

Healthy and beautiful appearing gums are followed by the installation of cosmetic veneers comprised of materials such as composite or zirconium to obtain the optimum smile design.

In this field where medicine and art are united the treatments are completely personalized.

The physician takes notes on the patients characteristics and evaluates a variety of visual data, such as skin color, lip shape, and face shape.

When determining all of these variables, it is critical to appropriately perceive patients expectations and determine their needs.

Remember that the value of a beautiful smile in interpersonal communication is indisputable, and it is entirely within your power to maximize the effectiveness of your smile.

  • How long does the Hair Transplant process take?
    Depending on the number of grafts, the hair transplant surgery takes about 6-8 hours.
  • What do I need to know and apply before Hair Transplantation?
    If you smoke, you should stop smoking at least 2-3 days before. This is also true in the post-operative recovery period and has a great effect on the outcome of the treatment. Do not drink alcohol for three to four days before the operation. In fact, it is recommended that you take your last alcoholic beverage at least a week before. Do not cut your hair before your surgery. This is very important in order to create a correct and natural hairline and to plan a correct operation. You can start massaging your scalp about two weeks before the hair transplantation. You may do this for at least 10 minutes a day. This will help soften the skin and increase blood flow in this area. If you are over a certain age, for example 50 years or older, we may ask you to pass tests such as an EKG first. You may also need to pass some blood tests. Stop taking aspirin and or any anti-inflammatory medication a week before the day of surgery. Also, strictly avoid taking antidepressants and blood thinners during the week before treatment. Be sure to stop taking any multivitamin or mineral supplements or herbal supplements one week before the hair transplant procedure.
  • Can Hair Transplant only be performed on men?
    Men and women of all races, who have healthy hair follicles that can be transplanted and do not have a disease that prevents hair transplant surgery, are good candidates for hair transplantation.
  • When will the first transplanted hairs grow back?
    Patients will lose transplanted hairs about 2 weeks after the operaiton, but this is normal and the transplanted follicles will grow hair again. May differ for each person, but usually, you should start seeing new hair begin to growth between months 4-6. It should take between 6-9 months for you to see significant improvement in your hair. And the final results should be noticeable about 1 year after the surgery. Than, the growth cycle will go on like normal hair.
  • Is Hair Transplantation painful?
    It is not possible for any surgery to be completely painless. However, although there is minimal discomfort for a short time and at a temporary level, it is possible to say that the hair transplantation process is painless thanks to the local anesthesia and post-operative pain relievers used.
  • Are the scars visible in the donor area?
    If the hair transplant surgery is done properly with the right equipment and by a competent team, patients can continue to wear short hairstyles without a visible line mark noticeable to the casual observer.
  • Who is in the team that will perform the Hair Transplant surgery?
    Hair transplant surgery is performed by our medical team with 15 years of hair transplant experience under the supervision of our medical director, Prof. Burak Çakır, MD.
  • What is Hair Transplantation?
    It is the process of transplanting healthy hair follicles harvested from the donor area of the patient to the area where the hairs are weak or baldness occurs.
  • Is there any age limit for Hair Transplant?
    Technically, anyone over the age of 18 can have a hair transplant, but it is highly recommended not to have the transplantation before the age of 25. Since the hair loss pattern may not be determined yet and as the patient may tend to lose hair even after the transplantation with age, the result of the hair transplant, performed at an early age will become unnatural later on.
  • What do I have to consider after Hair Transplant?
    You may feel some pain after the anesthesia wears off, usually 2 to 3 hours after the surgery. There may be a slight swelling and pain on your scalp, but painkillers such as paracetamol will help. Please do not forget to use the pills in the medicine kit, which you will get from our staff after the procedure, appropriately and on time. Do not drink alcohol for 5 days at least after the surgery. This also applies to smoking. Sleep in a semi-upright position on your first night after the surgery and use a few pillows to raise your head and the additional neck pillow we will give you. It is very important that you do this for at least the first three days after the surgery. Do not touch the newly inoculated areas. There may be some itching or pain, but it is still important that you never touch these areas. If you scratch or rub that area, you not only pose a risk of infection, but also cause the transplanted hair follicles to fall out before they have a chance to attach and grow new hair. Another important issue is the use of mobile phones or tablets. In order to avoid facial edema, you should definitely not use these devices with your head tilted forward. Use them in a semi-reclined or at least in an upright position. You can use an ice pack to reduce swelling for the first week, but do not apply it on the newly transplanted grafted area. Your may feel your head a little bit numb for a few days, so be very careful not to bump your head. This is a problem we face especially when getting in or out of the car right after surgery. Please be careful. Please don't wear a hat, beret or cap for 10 days. And while you're recovering, stay away from very salty or spicy foods. After about 10 days, you can resume all your daily habits.
  • Can eyebrows, beard and mustache also be transplanted?
    Beard, Mustache and Eyebrow Transplantation surgeries are now being used as common cosmetic procedures without any problems.
  • Is the clinic qualified for Hair Transplantation?
    Our contracted treatment centre is qualified with the ISO 9001 Quality Management System Certificate, and with the OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System Certificate.
  • What should I know about the day of Hair Transplantation?
    Rest well the night before the operation. You can take a shower or take a bath before the operation in the morning but do not apply gel, foam or any other product to your hair. As an outfit, it is important to wear a shirt with buttons or a zip that you can easily put on back after the treatment. Likewise, wearing jogging pants will increase your comfort throughout the day. Have a light breakfast before you come to the clinic, but try to avoid too much caffeine.
  • What is Rhinoplasty?
    Rhinoplasty is reshaping and restructuring surgery of the nose.
  • How many days after nose surgery can be returned to normal life?
    After around 10 days, the patients can return to their normal life, work and school, without it being obvious that they have had surgery.
  • Will there be pain after surgery?
    Around 90% of the patients’ state that there is no pain that will disturb them. The remaining 10% of the patients’ state that they are pain relieved with analgesics.
  • How long is the duration of the operation?
    The operation time varies between 3-6 hours depending on the condition of the nose.
  • How is the preoperative preparation planned?
    The ear nose throat examination of the patient is done first.The inside of the nose is evaluated with endoscope. The photographs of the patient are taken and the nose shape planned in the operation is determined with the photo editing program. Before the operation, the intervention to be applied the inside of the nose and the procedure to be applied to the nose aesthetically are planned.
  • What should be considered after Rhinoplasty surgery?
    Care should be taken against physical trauma for 3 months. Glasses should not be worn for 2 months after the operation. Heavy sports should not be done for 2 months. Should not swim and go to the sauna for one month. When going out in the sun, sun protection cream factor 50 should be applied for one month.
  • What is the healing process after rhinoplasty surgery?
    To minimize tissue damage and minimize bleeding during the operation, Ultrasonic Piezo System is used. Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty technic also minimizes bruising and swelling after surgery. When the patients leave the surgery, there will be no swelling and bruising on their face and nose. In some patients seen bruises and swelling begin 10-12 hours after the operation and reach the maximum level within 48 hours. Silicone nasal pads placed to prevent bleeding in the nose or to prevent blood accumulation are removed by our surgeon on the 3rd or 4th day. There is no pain during the removal of the nasal pads. The silicone cover on the nose is removed on the 10th day. This is to easy process without any pain.
  • How many days after surgery can patients travel by plane or car?
    Patients can travel on the 3rd or 4th day, so one day after the nasal silicon pad is removed.
  • What is the aim of Rhinoplasty?
    The aim of this operation is to obtain healthy breathing and a beautiful nose suitable for the person.
  • How is Rhinoplasty operation performed?
    Our medical director decides that operation will be performed either closed surgery (without an incision at the tip of the nose) or open surgery (with an incision at the tip of the nose) depending on the condition of the nose. During the surgery, attempts are also made to reduce the curvature on the septum (the middle structure that divides the nose into two holes) and turbinates’ hypertrophy for healthy breathing. The surgeon uses an endoscope in the section for correcting the nose from the inside and reducing the turbinate hypertrophy.
  • Is there any difference in nose aesthetics for women and men?
    Since each person’s face shape, lip structure and forehead hairline are different, the nose shape specific to the person should be determined. While the nasolabial angle is 120 degrees for women, this angle should be approximately 90 degrees for men.
  • What is Ultrasonic Rhinoplasty?
    Ultrasonic rhinoplasty is a method that does not use a hammer chisel during the surgery using a device called Piezo, and therefore does not damage soft tissue, cartilage and mucosa. Thanks to this technique, postoperative pain, swelling and bruising are less, and recovery accelerates due to minimal soft tissue damage.
  • What is the earliest age for rhinoplasty surgery?
    It is expected that the nose will complete its development in order to have a rhinoplasty surgery. The appropriate age is approximately 17 for both genders.
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